Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tip of the Day: Launching your favourite websites easily

If you starts your day checking your email, visiting your favorite news websites or monitoring your stock price, you will need to launch multiple websites every day. Typically you have 2 methods:

Method 1) you will need to manually enter the website one-by-one
  1. You have to remember all the websites each time
  2. You have to type them every day
Method 2) you will need to setup your browser to open some websites each time it launches
  1. It only works on PC you setup, so you cannot open them elsewhere
  2. It will show the same websites even if you just want to open the browser for something else
  3. If you do that on a shared PC, others will know the websites you visit
  4. You still need to type the websites one-by-one for the first time you setup

Instead of above 2 methods, why not use Hibernater instead?
Saving your favorite websites in 3 steps, no entering of the location of websites required

1) You just open all the websites you like, on Internet Explorer or Firefox,

2) Login to your Hibernater account and choose >> besides Hibernate. Hibernater will detect the websites you visited for you. No need to type the location of those websites!

3) Choose a profile to store it and give it a name. You may store different kinds of websites on the 3 available profiles. Hibernater will close the websites after saving them on the chosen profile.

Launching your favourite websites easily
Once saved, you can easily open the websites anywhere and as you wishes easily in 2 steps.

1) Choose >> besides Resume to view your saved profiles

2) Click the profile you saved your websites previously and resume. Hibernater will then open your websites for you, no need to remember the locations of the websites and opening them one-by-one anymore!

Try it now for yourself. Do not type anymore websites when you start your day anymore. Just use Hibernater to do the time-wasting jobs for you!
Visit the Hibernater homepage

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